Thursday, April 2, 2009


So I didn't make any new years resolutions; I rarely do. But I'm in the mood for some change so I decided to set a few goals for myself. More like a check-list I suppose. Anyways, here it goes.

1. Lose some poundage. I have officially lost all my pregnancy weight. YIPEE!!!! But things aren't quite where they used to be. Plus I could afford to lose more weight. My pre-pregnancy weight wasn't necessarily ideal. goal is 10 lbs. by my birthday (July 21).

2. Organize my office. This is my line for when people visit, "You know how people have a junk drawer? Well I have a junk room!" But no more! I want to get all this crap out of here that gets absolutely no use. I also need to find a better system of organizing the stuff I do use. This one may take a while.

3. Catch up on my scrapbooking. I'm currently....5 years behind. I have a few things put together here and there but I really need to get working on that. I've invested sooooooo much money in all of my scrapbooking things. Also, I don't have a baby book or that sort of thing from when I was born so I want Baby Scotty to have all of his baby stuff together in one place. Plus its just fun and relieves some stress.

Anyways, those are just some things that I'm working on or hope to be working on. Wish me luck!


  1. Here's a good website with decluttering tips for the "home manager."

  2. I love your motivation! let me know if you want some pics from the dear old days. I rummaged through my huge and jumbled pictures folder on my computer and found quite a few.
    ahh shoot. =)
